Saturday, June 30, 2012

Craft Workshop

Hi, everyone. This month's entry is regarding our Craft Workshop. It was held on Friday, 15 June 2012, from 2pm until 5pm. The objective of this workshop is to develop the students skills in making craft and make with new friends.

There were almost 30 participants came to this workshop to learn craft. There were four types of crafts available to the participants for them to learn which are cross-stitch, friendship band, origami and beading. The fee to learn all of these crafts was only RM10. 

We received more positive feedback regarding this workshop and hopefully it will organised again for next academic year. That's all for now. Cheers!!!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Cultural Awareness Program (CAP) May 2012

This month news is about CAP. CAP is a program conducted by MMU Counseling Unit to help new international students who come to MMU to enhance their study. Last few weeks, selected FRIENDS was chosen to help these students. CAP program was conducted for three days.

In these three days, the students will help in their accommodation, how to adopt in Malaysian culture and many more. It is almost the same like orientation week that being conducted in MMU every intake but in shorter period and it is specifically for international students. After CAP program, the students will join the other local students in the orientation week.

The CAP program is offically becoming an event that compulsory to be attend by all international students who come to study in MMU. This is important for them to avoid culture shock along their study. Beside that, it will also help the students to get new friends during this program.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

F.R.I.E.N.D.S Annual Dinner 2012

Hi, guys. FRIENDS had our third annual event for all of its members which was our annual dinner. It was held at CCU Room, Multimedia University, Cyberjaya. Out theme this year is Retro. So, most of us wear traditional clothes, polka dot dress and 60's costumes. The purpose of having this dinner is to make bonding between new FRIENDS and old FRIENDS.

During this dinner, our advisor, Madam Jenet gave her speech regarding what FRIENDS do and how well we perform last year. Our Master Ceremony on that day, Nyasha showed us the pictures of events taht we did through out the year. Most of us felt so happy and satisfied with the work that we all did and encourage us to do a better improvement on future.

After the dinner, we all went to eat. There were several food that really makes us starving such as mushroom soup, garlic bread, ice-cream, and many more. After eating, we all went to play a games called "Penalty Chair". A balloon was distributed among the participants and for those who holding the balloon at the end of the music was played was gonna get penalty from the Penalty Box. 

Lastly, we end our event by giving certficates to FRIENDS members who gained titled "Peer Counselor" and Best Male and Female Costumes. Congratulation to Nyasha and Fatin in winning our judge's heart in Best Male and Female Costumes. 

Friday, March 30, 2012

Hypnotherapy Talk

Hi, everyone. MMU Counseling Week 2012 was just leaving us with a great experience last 4 days ago. Hopefully, you will get the fun and experience that we provide to you in this event. As you know, Hypnotherapy Talk was already happened in FCM E-theater last Monday. Many of the MMU students, MJSC students and people from other colleges and universities came to this talk to get a brief explaination about hypnosis.

On this day, certain FRIENDS were selected as MMU Counseling Week 2012 committees to help this event running smoothly. There was also certain MMU students that applied as working committees on that day. Everyone of them did their best on that day to make the event successful. 

During  the talk, Mr. Andreas Dorn, our speaker gave his demostration on hypnosis and most of us were very excited about the demostration and the results. The volunteer after being hypnotized looked lively than before. For those who want to know about hypnotherapy, feel free to click on this link:

That's all for this month entry. Hopefully, you will enjoy our latest news. Wait for our next event news on next entries. See you guys.

#Credit to:  a) MMU Counseling Unit
                  b) FRIENDS
                  c) Asia Mind Dynamics Sdn Bhd
                  d) @Kampus

Saturday, February 25, 2012

MMU Masquerade Gala Dinner

Hi, guys. FRIENDS just organised our first gala dinner for MMU students at Paragon Hotel, Ipoh. The purpose of this event is to enhance our appreciation to our mother-earth by including the theme of the dinner which are four major elements in earth. Moreover, this event can help FRIENDS to increase their networking with MMU students.

The event started at 8pm with the gathering of guests at hotel lobby. The guests were served with mixed fruit punch while waiting for their turn to be invited into our hall. Two of our representatives were in charge in order to bring guests to our main hall for dinner session.

The dinner was started with appetizers from four different cuisines of different tables. While the appetizers were served by our waiter and waitress, our master of ceremony explained about each element trivia. When the appetizers session was started, the video of famous songs was played to entertain the guests.

The dinner continued with main menu and desserts. During the dinner, we also included the games and best costumes (male and female) to make the dinner more lively. We would like to thank to every guest that gave their full corporation in making this event successful. 


We waiting for your participation for hypnotherapy talk on 26th March 2012 at 2pm until 4pm.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Promoting Masquerade Gala Dinner

Hi, guys. FRIENDS currently busy with our MMU Counseling Week 2012. Our theme this year is 'Mysteries of Life'. There are three mysterious events which are Masquerade Gala Dinner, Hypnotherapy Talk and Psyche Race. Last few weeks, we were distributing balloons around MMU especially at Grandhall.

This balloons giving's purpose is to promoting our gala dinner that will held on 20th February 2012 and 21st February 2012 just after you all finish your exam week. You can have dinner here at Paragon Hotel, Ipoh with your love one or your friends. 

So, what you waiting for? Do your reservation now at by stating your full name, ID no., contact no., email,, date of birth & preferred element (water, fire, earth or wind). Below, we attached our gala dinner link for your review:

We waiting for your participation. Cheers.